Website Launch!
Our website has just launched! Look at us! All new and shiny and pretty.
We are filled with anticipation and excitement as we move forward to bring good games to good people. This website is step one of our media campaign. Adventures In Aluria is still in development. We plan to start posting on Twitter and Tumblr soon in order to generate buzz.
We hope the buzz will feed into our crowd funding efforts to help pay for all of the art and the manufacturing costs of the initial run.
The second-generation prototype is coming along. We've had initial talks with a printing house in India, as well as some initial discussions with representatives from Panda Game Manufacturing. Still not sure which way we will go.
Card layout design is under way, as is the design for how the cards will work. In fact, after our most recent rules change, we should be ready to build out our next set of prototype cards shortly.
We will continue to post our progress here.